Social media giant to create at least 100 jobs
Stanton Springs, GA — Governor Nathan Deal announced that Facebook will create at least 100 full-time jobs and invest $750 million in a new data center in Stanton Springs over the next five years. New jobs will include positions in engineering and management, as well as opportunities for data center technicians.
“Georgia’s business-friendly climate and world-class technological infrastructure continue to attract innovative companies like Facebook,” said Deal. “It is fitting that the No. 1 company in the world in terms of active users has chosen the No. 1 state for business for this project. We appreciate Facebook’s leadership for recognizing Georgia as a state that serves not only as a major hub for general business, but also as a place where tech firms can be successful in the future. This project represents a significant investment and will create meaningful opportunities for the surrounding community. We welcome Facebook to Georgia and look forward to the growth of this partnership.”
The Newton Data Center will be part of the highly advanced infrastructure that helps Facebook provide apps and services to more than 2 billion people around the world. The new facility will be Facebook’s ninth data center in the U.S.
“As a company, Facebook is committed to creating positive impact at the local level – that means hiring, partnering and investing locally,” said Rachel Peterson, VP of Data Center Strategy at Facebook. “We are thrilled to be making Georgia our new home and look forward to a long and strong partnership with the state, Newton County, and our new community.”
Facebook will construct two buildings to occupy 970,000 square feet. The buildings will be fully operational in 2020.
“We couldn’t be happier to have such an outstanding company like Facebook as one of our community corporate partners,” said Shane Short, executive director of the Development Authority of Walton County. “This is just the beginning of a long-term partnership that will continue to grow stronger. We value our partnership with the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD), Commissioner Pat Wilson, and his professional team, especially EJane Caraway. We are appreciative that they helped us with this project.”
Facebook’s data centers are among the most advanced, energy-efficient facilities in the world. The Newton Data Center will be powered by 100 percent clean and renewable energy, and cooled using outdoor air instead of energy-intensive air conditioners. The facility will also house Facebook’s hyper-efficient hardware, which powers apps and other services.
“I am excited for Facebook and their new data center to join an industry ecosystem here that is known for being a hub of technological innovation,” said Metro Atlanta Chamber President and CEO Hala Moddelmog. “Facebook will be able to take advantage of our skilled engineering workforce and leading telecommunications infrastructure.”
GDEcD Director of Life Sciences and Corporate Solutions EJane Caraway represented the Global Commerce Division in partnership with the Joint Development Authority of Jasper, Morgan, Newton and Walton Counties, Walton EMC, the Metro Atlanta Chamber, Georgia Power and other state and local agencies.
“When a world leader in technology such as Facebook chooses to locate an essential part of its operations in Georgia, it solidifies what we already know: that we are a prime and safe location for data centers and information technology,” said GDEcD Commissioner Pat Wilson. “We look forward to welcoming Facebook as a corporate citizen, and are excited about the impact they will have in Newton County. Congratulations to all partners who helped bring this project to fruition.”
Jen Talaber Ryan
John Vaughan