Company to create up to 89 new jobs
Richmond, VA — Governor Terry McAuliffe announced Trex Company (NYSE: TREX), the world’s largest manufacturer of high-performance wood-alternative decking and railing, has invested $12.3 million in the City of Winchester and $3.1 million in Frederick County to expand its manufacturing operations. Additionally, the company plans to lease newly constructed warehouse space in Frederick County for a training facility and plastics recycling center and to relocate a Trex distribution center for deck railing. The expansion will create up to 89 new jobs in the City of Winchester in the coming years. The new warehouse spaces, with an estimated value of $50 million, are being developed and constructed by The Shockey Companies, another Virginia-based company.
Speaking about the announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “I am thrilled to announce that another valuable Virginia business is expanding its manufacturing operation and creating new jobs for people in our Commonwealth. Attracting investment and growing jobs in the advanced manufacturing sector is a key component of our efforts to build a new Virginia economy. Trex’s significant investment is a great testament to the incredible assets we have in the region and the Commonwealth.”
“This expansion is wonderful news for the region,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “Trex has experienced the benefits of Virginia’s outstanding workforce, business climate, infrastructure and great quality of life, and as a result, has made the decision to expand right here in the Commonwealth. We thank the company, Winchester and Frederick County, and look forward to the continued benefits of this great partnership.”
Trex Company is the world’s largest manufacturer of wood-alternative decking and railing, with more than 20 years of product experience. Stocked in more than 6,700 retail locations throughout the world, Trex® outdoor living products offer a wide range of style options with fewer ongoing maintenance requirements than wood, as well as a truly environmentally responsible choice.
“Although Trex is a worldwide company with a presence in more than 45 countries – at its heart, we are a Virginia business, and we’re proud of our hometown roots,” said James E. Cline, president and CEO of Trex.“This investment will allow Trex to continue its growth in the decking and railing industry, while also expanding into new specialty materials markets that will deliver a significant positive impact and diversity to Virginia’s economy.”
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with the City of Winchester and Frederick County to secure the project for Virginia. The company qualifies for rail access funding from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, and is eligible to receive state benefits from the Virginia Enterprise Zone Program, administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. Trex will also receive benefits from the Port of Virginia Economic and Infrastructure Development Zone Grant Program. The company is eligible for Sales and Use tax exemptions on manufacturing equipment. Funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program.
Winchester Common Council President John Willingham said, “We are pleased Trex is continuing to expand their manufacturing line at their City facility at 181 Battaile Drive. This $12 million capital investment will create 89 jobs and qualify the company for Enterprise Zone incentives. Along with Trex’s expansion in Frederick County and the addition of the rail spur, the City greatly values their commitment to growing their company here in Winchester.”
“Trex is a pioneer in its industry and a valued Frederick County business partner,” said Chairman of the Frederick County Board of Supervisors Richard Shickle. “This announcement represents a significant level of capital investment in our community and showcases why commitment to business is so important. We celebrate with Trex in its success and look forward to providing the support they need moving forward.”
“It is always good news when a business invests in Virginia,” said John Reinhart, CEO and Executive Director of the Virginia Port Authority. “It’s doubly satisfying when it’s a Virginia-based company choosing to reinvest, due in part, because of the benefits provided by partnering with the Port of Virginia. We’re excited to continue to serve as the international trade gateway for Trex and are pleased to provide funding through the Port of Virginia Economic and Infrastructure Development Grant Program and the Virginia Port Tax Credits.”
Since the beginning of the McAuliffe administration, 485 economic development deals have been closed in Virginia with more than $7.92 billion in capital investment, which is more than any previous governor in the first 21 months in office.
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EDA Contact:
Patrick Barker, CEcD | Executive Director
Frederick County Economic Development Authority
(540) 665-0973 |
Source: Frederick County EDA