Montgomery County tract becomes the fourth certified in the commonwealth this year
Frankfort, KY — In receiving Build-Ready certification for an industrial site this week, Mount Sterling became the fourth location designated this year and the 16th statewide since the program –designed to streamline site selection, construction and opening of new industrial facilities – began in 2014.
The nearly nine-acre tract, expandable to nearly 140 acres, includes a building pad that can accommodate a manufacturing facility of 50,000 to 100,000 square feet or more. The site, zoned for heavy industrial use, includes access to water, sewer, natural gas and electric.
“Build-Ready supports our efforts to drive economic development to all 120 Kentucky counties. The surge in certifications this year indicates communities recognize the importance of preparation when seeking to attract new industrial enterprises,” said Terry Gill, secretary of the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development. “I congratulate Mount Sterling and Montgomery County on making this site Build-Ready eligible, and I look forward to seeing increased interest from potential employers.”
All Build-Ready sites include a pad ready to accommodate a building up to 100,000 square feet or more – and utilities that extend to the site’s edge. The designation also means necessary permits, including water, environmental and geotechnical are on file, as well as preliminary building plans, cost estimates and schedule projections.
The applicant – usually a city, county or economic-development group – must also provide a rendering of a potential building for the site.
At just over three years old, the Build-Ready program has certified locations across the state including sites in Campbellsville, Ashland, Princeton and Mount Sterling this year. Efforts toward certification continue on multiple other sites.
Sen. Ralph Alvarado thanked everyone involved with the designation.
“This Build-Ready certification certainly looks to benefit business and grow jobs in Montgomery County and surrounding areas,” Sen. Alvarado said. “I appreciate Secretary (Terry) Gill and the Cabinet for Economic Development for all their support and also thank those individuals in Montgomery County who have worked hard to make this certification possible.”
Rep. David Hale, of Wellington, said the announcement indicates the region’s pro-business approach.
“I was extremely pleased with the news that Mount Sterling was announced as Kentucky’s 16th Build-Ready site,” Rep. Hale said. “A Build-Ready certification is proof through meeting very strict criteria that a community is pro-business and company friendly. We have worked very hard both in my district and statewide to open Kentucky for business. We still have much to do, but achievements such as Mount Sterling becoming Build-Ready certified is a sign that our district and our beautiful state have better days ahead.”
Montgomery County Judge-Executive Wallace Johnson said the new site is the latest tool at the community’s disposal.
“Our county is the economic engine for this region due to our industrial base and people commuting into Montgomery County to work and shop,” Judge Johnson said. “This Build-Ready site gives us another advantage to attract another name brand industry to Mount Sterling and we are truly excited about that.”
Mount Sterling Mayor Gary Williamson said the Build-Ready site shows the town’s commitment to growth.
“The Build-Ready site is just another example of our community’s progressive attitude,” Mayor Williamson said. “We all strive to work together for the betterment of our city and county, and it shows through our unprecedented and continuous growth.”
Kentucky’s other Build-Ready sites include tracts in the Highland Glen Industrial Park in Glasgow, the Bluegrass Crossings Regional Business Centre in Beaver Dam, the 4 Star Regional Industrial Park in Henderson, the Hickory Industrial Park in Mayfield, the Shelton Industrial Park in Russellville, Progress Park in Horse Cave, Paradise Regional Business Park in Greenville, Commerce Industrial Park in Hopkinsville, Heartland Commerce and Technology Park in Campbellsville, Washington County Commerce Center in Springfield, EastPark in Ashland, Princeton Industrial Park in Princeton and three sites in the Kentucky Transpark in Bowling Green.
Due to high levels of interest in Bowling Green’s three Build-Ready locations, local officials advanced one previous site further with the construction of a speculative building. It represents an example of Kentucky communities working to advance to meet the demands of business expansions and new locations.
For more information on the Mount Sterling site, visit
To learn more about the Build-Ready program, visit
A detailed community profile for Montgomery County can be viewed at
The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development is the primary state agency responsible for encouraging new jobs and investment in the state. New capital investment announced in Kentucky in 2017 has totaled a record $7.7 billion through September, spurring more than 12,200 projected new jobs. Information on available industrial properties, workforce development assistance, incentive programs, community profiles, small business development and other economic development resources is available at Follow the Cabinet at, on Twitter @ThinkKentucky and on LinkedIn.