~ Recognized for meeting the highest principles of budgeting for third straight year ~
TexAmericas Center (TAC), which owns and operates the 3rd ranked industrial park and is one of the largest mixed-use industrial parks in the United States, announced its budget for the 2024 fiscal year has been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association. This is the third consecutive year the organization has been recognized.
The award represents a significant achievement by the organization and reflects a commitment by the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.
“We are honored to receive this achievement and be recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association,” said Scott Norton, Executive Director and CEO of TexAmericas Center. “It is humbling to see our team’s dedication to professionalism, integrity, and transparency being recognized with such distinction. The high level of governance to which we adhere for our board, tenants, and future tenants is something in which we are very proud.”
The budget was prepared and presented by TexAmericas Center Vice President of Finance, Andrew Hill. To receive the budget award, organizations must satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. The guidelines are designed to assess how effectively the budget serves as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device. To receive the recognition, documents must be rated “proficient” in four categories, as well as in the 14 mandatory criteria within those categories.
“Our board is committed to adhering to a budget process that is fully transparent. TexAmericas Center believes there is significant value in showing stakeholders and government leaders complete visibility and honesty in all our processes,” said TexAmericas Center Board Chairman, Jim Roberts. “Receiving the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for three consecutive years underscores the successes of day-to-day operations at TexAmericas Center.”
More than 1,700 participants are in the prestigious program, many of whom have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and serve as examples for other governments throughout North America. For more information about the award, visit gfoa.org/budget-award.
About TexAmericas Center
Located on the Texas side of the Texarkana metropolitan area, TexAmericas Center owns and operates one of the largest mixed-use industrial parks in the United States. With roughly 12,000 development-ready acres of land and approximately 3.5 million square feet of commercial and industrial product, TexAmericas Center services four states (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas).
For four consecutive years, Business Facilities magazine has ranked TexAmericas Center among the top 10 industrial parks in the country, most recently ranked No. 3 in 2023. (#5 for 2022). Tenants appreciate an impressive transportation corridor that uses multiple state highways, interstates, air freight, and rail lines to disperse from a central U.S. location.
In fact, seven rail lines converge on the Texarkana region. TexAmericas Center is host to an on-site rail yard and has over 30 miles of rail running through its properties. TAC Rail services include transload as well as rail car storage and movement.
TexAmericas Center also offers third-party logistics (3PL) services to assist companies with inventory management, warehousing, and fulfillment needs. The organization recently completed construction on a 150,000-square-foot, state-of the-art speculative building and has the capability to lease, build-to-suit, or facilitate greenfield owner-constructed projects in a timely efficient manner.
It is a designated US Opportunity Zone, New Market Tax Credit Census Tract, Foreign Trade Zone #258, and a Texas Enterprise Zone. TexAmericas Center has the operating capabilities of a municipality but functions like a traditional real estate development company, offering customized real estate solutions. For more information about TexAmericas Center, visit TexAmericasCenter.com.