~ Nye County Receives $350,000 Grant from GOED CDBG Program ~
The City of Tonopah’s Union Plaza Events Parking Lot Project has been completed thanks to assistance from the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
“Tonopah and Nye County are so very grateful for CDBG’s participation in awarding the grant for the Union Plaza Property Project and the partnership between county and town staff,” said Nye County Commission Chairman Bruce Jabbour. “The Union Plaza property is located in the center of downtown directly across from the Mizpah Hotel and Casino and is now considered quite the attraction assisting in the beautification and tourism aspect of the town. So many are proud to be part of this community and we have to know what the people’s needs and wants are in order to put programs and projects into action. Ask and you shall receive. Many thanks for and from many appreciative people.”
The City of Tonopah leveraged $55,424 for this project and received $350,000 in federal grant funding earmarked for Tonopah’s visionary project. Tonopah celebrated the Union Plaza Project with a ribbon-cutting ceremony last month. It is a testament to the successful partnership between local and state government entities. This event stands as a beacon of progress and the fulfillment of the CDBG Program’s mission to create better living conditions and foster economic prosperity across Nevada.
“The CDBG program is thrilled to support Tonopah’s project, which has transformed a previously blighted area into a vibrant event parking lot for both residents and visitors to Tonopah,” said Jessica Sanders, GOED’s CDBG Program Administrator. ” Tonopah has thoughtfully incorporated much-needed lighting, comfortable benches, and a striking Welcome sign, enhancing the appeal of this project. These initiatives not only advance rural economic development but also promise sustainable advantages for rural communities throughout the State of Nevada.”
CDBG is overseen by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), empowers local governments to initiate a diverse range of activities aimed at enhancing living environments, providing affordable housing, and fostering economic opportunities, especially for individuals with low to moderate incomes. The program is administered by the Rural Community Development Division of GOED.
About the Governor’s Office of Economic DevelopmenCreated during the 2011 session of the Nevada Legislature, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development is the result of a collaborative effort between the Nevada Legislature and the Governor’s Office to restructure economic development in the state. GOED’s role is to promote a robust, diversified and prosperous economy in Nevada, to stimulate business expansion and retention, encourage entrepreneurial enterprise, attract new businesses and facilitate community development.
Gregory Bortolin
Director of Communications
(775) 687-9917