~ Partnership between RoadStar Trucking and Whiteriver Logistics results in significant growth and need for additional capacity in Manitoba ~
Whiteriver Logistics Inc. (“Whiteriver”) has acquired 16 acres of land to construct a 50,000 square foot warehouse and transportation distribution centre at CentrePort Canada (“CentrePort”). The facility, located in the Rural Municipality of Rosser (“R.M. of Rosser”), is the second location in CentrePort for Whiteriver; the company has existing operations in BrookPort Business Park.
”As a national transportation hub, CentrePort connects businesses and supply chains to major markets across the country, continent and around the world. We are pleased that Whiteriver Logistics has continued to grow, and are glad they can benefit from all the advantages CentrePort and Manitoba have to offer,” said Manitoba Minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources, Jamie Moses.
Whiteriver currently operates out of a 20,000 square foot building that opened in January of 2022. The company has quickly outgrown the space and is expanding their operations to support further growth. Whiteriver initially invested $13 million to open their first location at the inland port and is investing a further $17 million in their second location, bringing their total investment at CentrePort to $30 million. Construction on the new facility is expected to begin in spring 2024 and it is anticipated that it will be operational in late 2024 or early 2025.
“We started our business with just a single truck in Winnipeg 15 years ago; we have since built our business supporting the local business community and have steadily expanded our service offerings to a point where we are looking to add a second larger facility located within CentrePort,” said Raj Sekhon, President, Whiteriver Logistics. “This new facility will enable us to have our trucking, warehousing, outside storage, and container storage depot in one location with the ability to expand our footprint and accommodate continued growth in the future.”
Whiteriver has been in operation in Manitoba for fifteen years. In 2022, they partnered with RoadStar Trucking, a family owned and operated business based in Milton Ontario. Their new CentrePort location will enable Whiteriver and RoadStar Trucking to co-locate both businesses on one site. The partnership has led to significant growth and this move will enable them to expand their presence in Manitoba and support further expansion into western Canada. Whiteriver currently provides; local and cross border drayage, container storage (empty and loaded), flatbed, hopper bottom and walking floor service to customers in the Aerospace, Steamship, Mining, Agriculture, and Oil Patch industries. RoadStar’s three existing locations in Ontario and one U.S. location in Ohio, will support growth of the company’s business in the U.S. and western Canada.
“We congratulate the team at Whiteriver Logistics for their continued growth in CentrePort North,” said Ken Mulligan, Reeve, RM of Rosser. “We are gearing up for another busy construction season and we are looking forward to welcoming more businesses to the RM of Rosser as they build their new operations.”
“The transportation industry has seen a significant amount of change over the last several years, and we are excited to see companies at CentrePort like Whiteriver Logistics not only continuing to succeed, but to evolve and grow their business to respond to new market expectations and challenges,” said Carly Edmundson, president and chief executive officer, CentrePort Canada Inc.
CentrePort Canada is a 20,000-acre inland port and Foreign Trade Zone. Located in the heart of North America, CentrePort connects to major national and international trade gateways and corridors, and is the only inland port in the country with direct access to tri-modal transportation – extensive truck, rail and air cargo operations.
Roadstar Trucking – RoadStar has been in business for almost 30 years, we are a family owned and operated asset-based truck load carrier with its head office located in Milton Ontario. We operate over 200 trucks and 600 trailers, from our locations in Milton, ON, London ON and Clayton OH., with a focus on the Midwest and West Coast US. Our success is built on investing in Customers, Employees, Equipment and Technology, encouraging all employees to help us deliver the perfect order in a safe and efficient manner, this focus has allowed us to grow through building long term sustainable partnerships with our customers.
For more information, please contact:
CentrePort Canada Inc.
Aimee Goyer
Executive Director, Marketing & Communications
Whiteriver Logistics Inc.
Raj Sekhon
RoadStar Trucking
Joe Smelko
General Manager